From November 23 you can see in Wrocław Kolejkowo the unique and largest in the world model of a city made of gingerbread! Are you curious about the recipe for a gingerbread city?

“The Gingerbread City is more than one and a half tons of spicy dough, a gingerbread town hall, church, zoo, Baba Yaga’s house, train station, mill and hundreds of gingerbread huts. The Christmas scent is the result of using 140 kilograms of honey and 40 kilograms of spices. The town is covered with a sweet feather of icing, for which modelers used 321 eggs, 168 lemons and 365 kilograms of powdered sugar. These ingredients were used to create a town of 100 square meters.”

The place makes not only an amazing visual impression, but also a fragrant one – when entering the Queue, you can immediately smell Christmas!

The exhibition will be open until the end of February, and you can visit it by buying one ticket to Kolejkowo. We heartily recommend it!
