The General Meeting of Members of the Association was opened by Alfred Wagner, president of WROt, who welcomed the gathered people.
During the Meeting, the members adopted resolutions on the approval of the Association’s Management Board’s report on activities for 2023, the Association’s financial report for 2023, the allocation of the Association’s profit for 2023, the discharge of the Association’s Management Board and the granting of honorary membership of the Association to Mr. Zbigniew Pasieka. Mr. Zbigniew Pasieka, after 43 years of work in the tourism and hotel industry, has retired, but we still want him to be present in the activities of the Wrocław Tourism Organisation.
The Audit Committee informed that after conducting an examination and analysis of the overall activities of WROT for 2023, it expressed a positive assessment in relation to the overall activities of WROT for 2023. Therefore, the Audit Committee recommended to the General Meeting of Members to approve the substantive report and financial report for 2023 and applied for a discharge from the members of the Association’s Management Board for the performance of their duties for 2023. The resolution was adopted unanimously.
After the official and formal part of the meeting, WROt networking took place, during which Alfred Wagner presented the latest WROt activities and welcomed new members of WROt: Wrocław Branch of PTTK, Bissole and Sztuka Kontaktu.
Welcome to the Wrocław Tourism Organisation. You will learn more about the new members soon.