Wrocław Tourism Organisation had an opportunity to organise visit of ‘Love Travelling’ blogers from Great Britain in Wrocław.

Marion and Simon spent 5 days in Wrocław from December 6th to 10th. They managed to see some places and attractions that were important for them to see. The first day they were in ‘Kolejkowo’ and in ‘Piernikowo’ to feel the atmosphere of the upcoming Christmas. In the evening they could walk through beautifully decorated Christmas Fair on the Market Square.

The next days were fully filled with a lot of attractions. We visited together: Centrum Historii Zajezdnia, The National Museum of Wrocław, Pawilon Czterech Kopuł, The Old Jewish Cementery, Odra Centrum, Browar Stu Mostów, ZOO Wrocław, Muzeum Architektury we Wrocławiu, Hydropolis, Hala Stulecia, Panorama Racławicka.

The full story of this visit will be available on the bloggers’ social media channels in January.
Feel free to follow!

