The Wrocław Tourism Organisation supported the charity car rally Budapest – Bamako.

The Wrocław ambulance took the Wrocław dwarves on board and set off into the world!

Report by Mr. Julian Obrocki and Mr. Marek Prokopowicz is presented below.


Wrocław ambulance and Wrocław dwarfs helped in Africa


The international charity car rally Budapest – Bamako has come to the end. A route of about 10,000 kilometers ran through the poorest countries of Africa, including the Sahara in the footsteps of the legendary Paris – Dakar Rally. There were almost 300 vehicles at the starting line – some in the sports class, and some in the historical and charity category, in which participants visit the numerous communities along the way, especially in the vicinity of the Sahara and carry various gifts, mostly for children, mostly for educational purposes.

In this category the rally was attended by a historic Wrocław ambulance – Polonez from military surplus with a multi-person crew – Marek Prokopowicz – Julian Obrocki and a large team of Wrocław dwarves living in a suitable box converted into housing.

In addition to various educational aids the Wrocław Tourism Organisation put such small passengers in the Polonez.

They were very useful as they bravely endured the heat in the Sahara and saved Polonez from oppression many times!

For the Wrocław participants the rally went very well. Contrary to the opinions of sceptics an old, retired ambulance crossed the Sahara and reached all designated schools with gifts.

There were many adventures along the way. Crossing borders in Africa is a major challenge. Dwarves helped here too. Left to unpleasant customs officers, they opened the borders instantly. Especially when they heard that they are very kind creatures, but they only bring happiness to kind people. It helped!

They also stayed in all the premises of small and poor African schools along the way.

But the dwarves did a great job at the Guinea Embassy ​​where we were looking for help in choosing the way back to Poland. The dwarf on the Ambassador’s desk looked dignified and made it easier to obtain very accurate information.

And then when, due to terrorist threats, it was necessary to return by plane, one of the dwarves helped to arrange the container for the Polonez to send it back home and the other, with a complete lack of plane tickets did not know how he arranged two tickets.

We have been living in Wrocław for a long time. But we learned the true strength and power of these little gnomes only in Africa. Beloved Wrocław dwarves – thank you!

More about this expedition at 

Marek Prokopowicz and Julian Obrocki