The cooperation of the Wrocław Tourism Organisation with Foreign Centers of the Polish Tourism Organisation is not only about co-organizing study visits for journalists, bloggers, tour operators and influencers, as well as participation in foreign tourism fairs. It also means participating in foreign campaigns promoting Wrocław and providing materials promoting our members and Wrocław 😊

For the third time, we have sent promotional materials (leaflets, maps, vouchers, gadgets) to the Foreign Center of the Polish Tourism Organisation in Rome. The submitted materials are used during industry meetings and airport workshops in Italy. Some of the materials are also always available at the ZOPOT office in Rome and are often used and downloaded by tour operators.

During the DOVOLENA Ostrava Fair, we provided a set of materials promoting Wrocław and our members to the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Ostrava. The materials will be used during meetings at the Consulate office.

In May, two campaigns were launched to promote Wrocław on the Belgian and Swedish markets thanks to the involvement of the Foreign Center of the Polish Tourism Organisation in Stockholm and Brussels.

In May, two campaigns were launched to promote Wrocław on the Belgian and Swedish markets thanks to the involvement of the Foreign Center of the Polish Tourism Organisation in Stockholm and Brussels.

ZOPOT in Brussels organized a campaign promoting Polish cities: Wrocław, Łódź and Poznań and a competition in which the prize is a stay with attractions in one of these three cities for the whole family.

Thanks to cooperation with members of the Wrocław Tourism Organisation: Kolejkowo, Zoo Wrocław, Centennial Hall, HP Park Plaza Hotel, Browar Stu Mostów, City Boats, Miasto Wrocław, Vertigo Jazz Club & Restaurant, we were able to provide a voucher full of attractions to be used in Wrocław 😊

Below are links to the competition:

ZOPOT in Stockholm, together with one of the largest travel bloggers specializing in camper tourism – Freedom Travel, also organized a competition in which the prize is also a weekend stay in Wrocław. The partners in this competition were WROt members: Centennial Hall, ART Hotel, Piwnica Świdnicka, Wrocmania, Odra Centrum, Kolejkowo.

Links to the competition: