Dolnośląska Izba Turystyki
The Lower Silesian Chamber of Tourism associates 98 members, including travel agencies, hotels, guesthouses, carriers, language schools, tourist bookstores and catering companies.

The Lower-Silesian Chamber of Tourism was established on May 22nd 1992 as a Trade Selection of the Lower Silesian Chamber of Commerce. On December 19th 2002 during the founding meeting a resolution on establishment of the new independent Chamber of Tourism was passed.
On February 19th 2002 the independent Lower Silesian Chamber of Tourism (DIT) was registered in the National Court Register (KRS) and thus became a legal entity.
Any company that has carrier out business activities in the area of tourism for at least one year may become a members of the Chamber and approval of the Board of DIT.
The principal aims of DIT are:
- Representation and interests protection of DIT members
- Boosting development of tourism
- Organization of selected activities and participation in enterprises focused on generating conditions that would stimulate development of tourism business
- Co-operations with self-government and government instructions in planning and implementation of tourism
- Formation and promotion on the principles of ethics in economic activity of DIT members
- Raising of the standards of customer service
- Integration of business community. Organization of trainings and informal meetings aimed at creation of grounds for exchange of business experiences
- Carrying out activities aimed at associates of all companies as well as other entities operating in the field of tourism in DIT.
50-020 Wrocław