From November 29 to December 1, the Wrocław Tourism Organisation had the honor of hosting a group of journalists and bloggers from Japan in Wrocław. The 2 days spent in the capital of Lower Silesia were realized during their longer visit to the entire region carried out by the Lower Silesian Tourist Organization.

During this short but efficient stay, our guests had the opportunity to taste Polish flavors at the Polka restaurant, and then feel the atmosphere of the Christmas Market, which puts everyone who visits it in a festive mood.

The next day, the group began their visit with Kolejkowo and Gingerbread mock-up (Piernikowo) – the largest gingerbread model in the world, where the smell alone reminds us of the approaching Christmastime. In addition, our guests were able to see Wrocław in miniature and Kolejkowo’s extensive rail network. The next item on the agenda was the Centennial Hall complex with a tour of the Visitor Centre and the interior of the Hall with its impressive dome. Our guide, Beata Wers, for the next few hours presented the charms of Wrocław by walking through the city center, including a search for numerous dwarves along the route. After lunch, the group had the opportunity to go in search of a lighthouse keeper in the historic center of the city, which is the Cathedral Island (Ostrów Tumski). The whole day culminated with an evening walk through the Afrykarium, ending with a delicious dinner in the tunnel.

We are pleased that after a break of several years in the travel of tourists from Japan, a group of journalists has come to see in practice what opportunities there are in Wrocław and Lower Silesia. So we are waiting for the results of journalistic work and numerous tourist groups from Japan!

See you in Wrocław – the meeting place!