Wrocław, known for its rich history, culture, and architecture, becomes a place of unique celebration every year during the Odra Days. This extraordinary event aims not only to promote the river as a tourist attraction but also to build environmental and social awareness among the residents. In 2024, the “8th Odra Days” brought plenty of attractions, encouraging people to make use of the picturesque location of the city by the river.

One of the main events of this year’s edition was the unforgettable gathering at the Odra Picnic, which took place on May 18th at the Xawery Dunikowski Boulevard. Visitors had the opportunity to participate in numerous activities such as cruises on the Odra River, water rescue demonstrations, ecological and artistic workshops, and many more. Our members, including Aquapark, Hydropolis, the History Center of the Tram Depot, and the Wrocław Zoo, presented their offerings during the picnic.

As part of the events organized by the Wrocław Tourism Organisation, fascinating thematic excursions also took place. On May 19th, there was a walking tour called “Taming the Odra,” during which participants could traverse the Odra embankment, uncovering its secrets and history. The kayak excursion “Odra Tales” and the cycling expedition “Technical Monuments and Hydraulic Structures of the Wrocław Water Node” provided unforgettable experiences and knowledge about the river’s influence on the city’s development.

One of the key points of the program was also the second debate about the Odra, which took place on May 21st at the AZS Wratislavia Sports Club. The main theme was the utilization of the Odra’s tourist potential in a manner consistent with the principles of sustainable development. Experts from various fields pondered over ways to develop tourism along the Odra, maintaining a balance between preserving cultural heritage and protecting the environment.

The Odra Days 2024 were not only an opportunity for fun and active leisure but also for reflection on the significance of the river for the city and its residents. This event, promoting the shared use of the riverside space, serves as an excellent example of how to enrich the social and cultural life of the city while simultaneously caring for the natural environment.