The Wroclaw Tourism Organisation had the pleasure of co-organizing the visit of guests from Israel in April this year, the direct result of which is an article written by one of the participants, and which appeared in the Israeli press – Haaretz magazine.

During their 3-day stay in the city of dwarves, the participants of the press trip visited, among others, the Depot History Center, where they could learn about the modern history of the city, they also admired the Centennial Hall complex and modern art in the Four Domes Pavilion, and visited some of Wrocław’s most popular attractions, i.e. Hydropolis and Kolejkowo. It is also worth noting that throughout their stay, the participants used various means of transportation, such as a historic tram or a river cruise, to get even more acquainted with the atmosphere of the city.

There was also plenty of use of Wrocław’s gastronomy, as well as souvenir stores and shopping malls during the visit.

Haaretz magazine is a very important and leading press in Israel, so we are even more pleased that the press trip contributed to the promotion of the capital of Lower Silesia by describing the impressions and attractions visited in the city.