Representatives of travel agencies, local government and the press and media from Piemont visited Wrocław and Lower Silesia during a 4-day delegation from September 16-19, 2022.

The visit was carried out in connection with the new direct air connection between Wrocław and Turin, and the guests’ stay had the character of a revisit, as a few weeks earlier it was the representation of Wroclaw and Lower Silesia that visited Turin and checked its tourism potential.

During the 2 days spent in Wrocław, our guests visited, among others, the Zoo with the Afrykarium, the Kolejkowo, the University of Wrocław with the Leopoldina Hall and the Mathematical Tower, and discovered the charms of the Market Square, Cathedral Island, where they met the Lamplighter and the Quarter of Four Faiths both during the day and at night. In addition, the delegation included visits to hotels and testing local gastronomy.

After exploring the capital of Lower Silesia, the group went on a sightseeing tour of the region, where they got to know the charms of Świdnica, Książ Castle, Polanica-Zdrój, as well as the Gold Mine in Zloty Stok, among others.

The entire stay was organized by: Wrocław Tourist Organisation with its members including the Municipality of Wrocław, in cooperation with the Lower Silesian Tourist Organisation, the Lower Silesian Chamber of Tourism and their partners.