We know the names of the TOP 50 Restaurateurs and Innovators who are conquering the market. But this was just (and as much as) the icing on the MADE FOR RESTAURANT cake – an all-day meeting full of ideas, heated substantive discussions, crazy ideas, networking, classy refreshments, exclusive alcohols and great music.

For the third time, journalists from Forbes magazine and experts from the For Solutions agency have created the only ranking that professionally and meticulously assesses the activities and business development of restaurateurs from all over Poland.

The first place in the Forbes&FOR 2024 Top 50 Restaurateurs ranking was taken by Andrea Camastra and Marcin Zawadzki from the Nuta restaurant, the only Warsaw restaurant awarded a Michelin star. Second – Alon and Alicja Than, restaurateurs running: Izumi Sushi, Alon Omakase, Kiseki, The Sushi, Kago, Matcha Bistro & Bar. The bronze medal, in turn, goes to Tricity to Łukasz Burda, creator of the White Marlin restaurant, Maniera Restaurant and Wozownia Sopocka.

We are pleased to announce that Wrocław deserved a special distinction on this prestigious stage! As many as five of our talented representatives were among the best, which is a unique pride for our city.

Hearty congratulations to:

  • Arleta and Grzegorz Ziemian (Browar Stu Mostów) – 43rd place
  • Maciej Nowaczyk and Beata Ziajka (La Maddalena Restauracja, Między Mostami) – 27th place
  • Piotr Staszczyński, Jan Kulisiewicz, Dawid Bojarojć, Alicja Staszczyńska (Pasibus) – 18th place
  • Agnieszka Chmielewska and Marcin Chmielewski (Restauracja Przystań & Marina, Przystań TU) – 9th place
  • Tomasz Czechowski and Beata Śniechowska (Młoda Polska bistro & piano, Baba) – 4th place

The main prize was donated by the conference partner, the host city of Wrocław, by providing a voucher for a unique stay in Wrocław, which includes an overnight stay at the Art Hotel Wrocław, a fascinating walk with a guide, a visit to the Wrocław ZOO and Kolejkowo, as well as a relaxing cruise on the CityBoats solar catamaran and a visit to the Krupa Art gallery.

The full list of awarded restaurateurs can be found in the May issue of Forbes magazine and on the Forbes.pl website.

In total, over 30 experts, during talks on stage, developed instructions for creating an ideal restaurant engine tailored to the times, the capabilities of restaurateurs, the needs of their employees and the expectations of guests.

A restaurant perpetual motion machine needs appropriate external support. Janusz Bujko from BEELINE Research&Consulting, creator of the study on Wrocław’s culinary brand, asked experts about what to base a good culinary brand of the city on. What is the most important?

– combining the city’s history with cuisine and local brands; using popular, traditional, local products to narrate the restaurant menu;

– based on nostalgia: using the family roots of restaurateurs and chefs, returning to the flavors and dishes associated with home and serving them in a non-obvious way;

– going beyond local and even regional cuisine – creating a culinary microcosm in a big city, serving cuisine from all over the world using a Polish twist and Polish products;

– the city should be in contact with reality and its challenges: the cuisine of the climate crisis, vegan cuisine and responsible cuisine in the context of our common good are important;

– showing a local product in the individual interpretation of the chef – this attracts foreign journalists and culinary experts who influence international rankings and stars;

– bringing together local chefs through the city and inviting residents to joint city dinners; culinary festivals; promotion of local agriculture.

The city of Wrocław was the host city at the conference, and the event partner was the Wrocław Tourism Organisation.

We are developing the gastronomic brand of Wrocław!

The next edition of MADE FOR RESTAURANT will take place in November in Poznań.