We would like to thank all participants for participating in the training that took place on November 16-17, 2023 at the Wrocław Congress Center.

Thanks to funding from the Fund for the Development of Physical Culture, managed by the Minister of Sport and Tourism, we had the opportunity to organize a training for you, the topic of which was broadly understood Inclusiveness in tourism.

During the registration process, participants had the opportunity to choose the program that interested them. The program was divided into two recipient groups:

Training for people managing tourist facilities – the event was dedicated to people managing various tourist institutions and facilities that directly deal with the issue of architectural, communication, information and digital accessibility.

Training for people directly serving customers with disabilities – it was addressed to tourist employees who have direct contact with customers, for whom information about serving people with special needs is necessary for the proper provision of services.

We have long been convinced of the need to conduct this type of training. We are glad that our participants, thanks to the fantastic work of the Katarynka Foundation, the Eudajmonia Foundation, the Wrocław Without Barriers Office, the Poland Without Barriers Foundation, and the Sector 3 Foundation, were able to learn about the facilities for people with disabilities, how to overcome barriers and how to directly respond to needs.

We are in the process of preparing post-conference materials and good practices. There will also be a paper version available at our office. We will keep you posted on progress.