WROt – Wrocławska Organizacja Turystyczna (Wrocław Tourism Organisation) was established in the Wrocław City Hall in 2021!

The main aim of the Wrocław Tourism Organisation is to coordinate and unify activities that are connected with the promotion of the city, institutions, and business. The city of Wrocław wants to interest more and more tourists in coming to the city, what is also very important for the local tourism industry, especially because of the pandemic issues.

All the biggest cities in Poland (among others Warszawa, Łódź, Gdańsk and Poznań) have already had tourism organisations and only Wrocław didn’t have a Local Tourism Organisation. The decision  about creating this institution will help in joining the general law system and the structure of the Polish Tourism Organisation.

‘Joining this prestigious group of the biggest cities in Poland with the Local Tourism Organisation is a chance of developing and intensifying tourism activities into the intercity areas’ – the Vice-president of Wrocław Jakub Mazur said. It is also one of the steps which were included in the Wrocław Tourism Declaration signed last year – striving for synergies between tourism branches.

Wrocław Tourism Organisation was established by 16 founding members connected with city tourism attractions, local businesses, non-profit organisations, transport, and the academic environment.

‘The main purpose is to integrate the local tourism environment to consolidate all activities’ – the President of the Association Agnieszka Szymerowska said. The directions of our activity have been already indicated and include joint promotion during different trades, conducting market researches, and publishing different promotional materials about the city and possibilities in Wrocław. Today, the first step was initiated, so we invite the next partners to cooperate with us. The above-mentioned, Wrocław Tourism Declaration highlighted a stronger need for cooperation, goodwill, responsibility, solidarity, and promotion activities. The established Wrocław Tourism Organisation was recommended by Wrocław Tourism Council and is the answer for its approaches.

Founding members of the Wrocław Tourism Organisation:

  1. Jakub Grudniewski –Hala Stulecia
  2. Agnieszka Szymerowska – Convention Bureau – Wrocław
  3. Marek Mutor – CH Zajezdnia
  4. Piotr Oleśniewicz – AWF
  5. Wioletta Samborska – Hydropolis
  6. Dariusz Kuś – Lotnisko Wrocław
  7. Kamil Słowiński – Kolejkowo
  8. Maciej Stoces – Hotel Monopol
  9. Robert Rasała – CIT Rynek (Centrum Informacji Turystycznej)
  10. Piotr Oszczanowski – Muzeum Narodowe
  11. Krzysztof Balawejder – MPK Wrocław
  12. Agnieszka Korzeniowska – ZOO Wrocław
  13. Marta Urbanek – Stadion Wrocław
  14. Alfred Wagner – UMW
  15. Marek Ciechanowski – Dolnośląska Izba Turystyki
  16. Arleta Ziemian – Browar 100 Mostów

The full press conference is available on the official Facebook profile of Visit Wrocław.